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To obtain Orbs from the Gods*, one must travel to the Circle of Stones, located out the west gate. When you arrive, you kneel and pray three times in succession. After each prayer, you will receive a vision from the Gods. After the third prayer, you will be asked the name of your god, remember Orbs may only be attained from one of the Thirteen. You will then be told to stand and take the Orb with your god's name. After you get the Orb, you will be transported to another place to prove your worthiness by completing a task. Upon completion of the task, you will be returned to the Circle of Stones. You must now fill your Orb.

Orbs are filled by using your field experience. The more experience that you have, the easier to fill your Orb. You will receive a message when you have filled your Orb, or when you have no more field experience left to fill your Orb with (time to go get more!). To gain a favour from your Orb, you must take it to the Altar in the Temple. From the Temple Gate, North, Go Stairs, Up, Up, Go Door, Go Clockwise (four times), Go Stairs, Go Clockwise (four times), and you will see the Altar. Place your filled Orb on the Altar, and you will have a favour with your god.

This map is one of Sablina's old maps. She made, IMHO, some of the best maps in the Realms.

*This information is only for Crossing, there are other locations within the Realms.