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A Paladin supports and defends Good and opposes Evil.
A Paladin is a Leader in righteous combat.
When it is necessary to fight, the Paladin will seek to guide and inspire his
comrades, taking a forward position in the battle and facing the foe boldly. A
Paladin does not hide from his foe or sneak about.
A Paladin is a Protector.
He will seek to prevent harm to the innocent and will place himself at risk in
order to accomplish this if need be.
A Paladin is Just and works to promote and enforce Justice and the Law.
If a Paladin does not agree with a law, he must still respect it and should work
to change it rather than disregarding it. The only exception to this is if the
Paladin believes the law to be truly Evil. In this instance, the Paladin must
follow the dictates of his conscience.
A Paladin is Honest.
He will not lie or otherwise seek to deceive a person. A Paladin does not cheat
or seek to take unfair advantage in his dealings with others.
A Paladin is Loyal.
He does not betray his god, his liege-lord, his guild, his family, or his
A Paladin is Holy.
He seeks to do that which pleases his god in all manners of the Code, and knows
that the purity of his soul has a profound impact on the abilities the gods
bless him with.
While it is not required that a Paladin worships Chadatru or Rutilor above other
gods, he ignores the wishes of the God of Justice at his peril. Serving another
god or gods is possible for a Paladin provided that the path that he follows
does not work against Good or Justice. It is not appropriate for a Paladin to
work toward the ends of a dark aspect since the goals of such are not in keeping
with what is Good and Just.
